Sunday, February 22, 2009

step up 2 final dance

Black Girls Do It Beta

I'm kinda over this whole thing. School, Jobs, Money, Friends. Everything is just getting on my last effing nerve lately. I'm probably going to start my period soon, which stresses me out because I want to get married and have a baby. But whatever, in do time right.

I guess I'll deal with the bullshit until School is over this may, thank god! All i have to do is pass all of my classes!

And I need to find an apartment and roommate(s).

UGH so many things are going on and still my friends don't even care. Its not about you, trust me.

It's 1:44am I have to be downtown by 11:30am.

This always makes me happy when i'm not. I can watch this forever...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

helllooooo world

I love online drama and the people that create it. 

I think every person needs someone like that in their lives. Livens things up a little.

Anywhoo, good day today, really fun time.

I enjoy day time hanging out yo. 

I'm excited to take a shower today though,

Also step up 2 the streets is amazing, go watch it.

video coming soon.

Friday, February 13, 2009

finding a job?

everyone is so worried about finding a job? wtf?
sitting around watching the Today Show online.

Learn the boss's schedule, thats one tip to keep your job.

Whatever, anyways lets talk about why I am sitting around at 10:30am and not asleep. I am kinda of tired. But I'm awake and this means I should do some home work.

I'm going to go shopping because i want to get some cheap clothes to wear tonight because its going to be LEGENDARY! seriously!

I can not wait! I haven't seen a million of these people in about 2 years. This is going to be wonderful!

I think I'm going to dress ghetto fab. Should be a good time!

Yes I should do my homework, homework, homework. because I am still in college at least for 4 more months!

it smells so bad in my apartment, living above subway is not a good thing, i am never eating there again!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Big News of the day???


I was going to spend my money on bonnaroo tickets, but now I'm saving that money because i want to go to at least 3 Blink shows and follow around the bus, just like dead heads.

I couldn't concentrate on anything else, nothing. I went to class and I have all this homework to do and all I can do, think, say, breathe is blink 182. This is more exciting then no doubt and spice girls combined.

All I need now is the *Nsync reunion I crave and I can die happy.

Well I'm going to try and concentrate on my homework and do stuff I need to do for tomorrow, but Adam's song just came on my itunes.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Just a Little Bit O Knowledge

Tu es beau - Yelle

it is 40 degrees outside right now. I have nothing to drink but plenty to eat!

What am i doing and who the hell am I, you ask?

Well I am currently a senior at Columbia College Chicago, HIYOOOO! And apparently I have to graduate this year and who knows how thats going to work out? The economy is shit and I have no idea how it happend or what it really means, all I know is that my most current loan was at 12% intrest OUTRAGE! And I am going to have no means to pay anything back in the next couple years unless I become rich or famous or a very classy hooker.

But what I do know is that I have an $80 phone bill i need to pay every month along with rent and no job yet. So whats a girl to do? My answer is start a blog and continue on my journey of becoming a girl about town.

The way this works, in my mind, is if I get some sort of notarity online I can then hopefully garner free access to shows, bars, parties, and other entertainment type things that I spend a shitload of money on. Then I can save that money and pay some bills , raise my credit score, and hopefully buy a house in the burbs or a condo in the city one day?

And if anything maybe I can just somehow get a job offer??? Pwease?

But thats neither here nor there. I have an amazing amount of HOMEWORK to do because I am paying an incredible amount of money on an education.

So i'll leave it at this for the time and I'll be back and you should comment