Saturday, March 14, 2009

Interior decorating adventures...

I've been slowly collecting little odds and ends for when I finally move into my own apartment. I've been doing this for about 2 years now. I have some great shit that I can wait to decorate my bedroom and bathroom and living room in. Each day I get more and more excited.

I have these 2 flamingo's that rachel got me for my birthday. I've been trying to decide what to do with them? At first I thought I would hang them by a noose from the ceiling. As a warning to people entering my apartment. But I have no come up with the best idea ever!

I plan on get a bit of astro-turf and attaching it to the ceiling, then hanging the falmingo's upside down from the ceiling, so its like their dancing on the ceiling! Oh man that's going to be the best.

(today is the day everyone is out celebrating st. patricks day, which is lame. since around 10am people having been screaming outside of my window. things like fuck yea! and IRISH! i don't get it because us blackies don't really have a day. at least not one where your supposed to wear black and get fucked up all day long. Maybe i'll try to start a day like that. Everyone will have to wear black and smoke and eat really good soulfood.)

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